martes, 25 de octubre de 2011
Ya en Michigan/ I'm in Michigan
lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011
domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011
Sólo una semana / Just a week
A tan sólo una semana para marchar, quedan aún varias cosas que hacer.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011
Ya tengo todo!!! - I already have everything!!
sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011
Ya tengo mis maletas!!! I have my baggage!!!
martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011
Ya tengo mis billetes!!!

Ahora mismo acabo de ver que ya tengo mis billetes en mi perfil de Aupair Care.
My present for Bradley!!!!

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011
Con la Visa en las manos!!!
viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011
martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Michigan is a U.S. state located in the Great Lakes Region of the United States of America. The name Michigan is the French form of the Ojibwa word mishigamaa, meaning "large water" or "large lake".
Michigan is the eighth most populous state in the United States, with the 2010 census placing its population at 9,883,640 residents. It has the longest freshwater coastline of any political subdivision in the world, being bounded by four of the five Great Lakes, plus Lake Saint Clair. Michigan is one of the leading U.S. states for recreational boating. The state has 64,980 inland lakes and ponds. A person in the state is never more than six miles (10 km) from a natural water source or more than 85 miles (137 km) from a Great Lakes shoreline. It is the largest state by total area east of the Mississippi River.
Michigan is the only state to consist entirely of two peninsulas. The Lower Peninsula, to which the name Michigan was originally applied, is often noted to be shaped like a mitten. The Upper Peninsula (often referred to as "The U.P.") is separated from the Lower Peninsula by the Straits of Mackinac, a five-mile (8 km)-wide channel that joins Lake Huron to Lake Michigan. The Upper Peninsula is economically important for tourism and natural resources. (Wikipedia)
martes, 16 de agosto de 2011
viernes, 12 de agosto de 2011
1ª Entrevista / 1st interview
- What type of family are you looking for?
- How do your family feel about you travelling for a year?
- How do you feel about pets?
- How do you fill your days now that school is over?
- What sort of things do you like to do with your friends?
- Are you quick to make friends?
- How do you feel about early wake up time?
- What kind of food would you cook for kids?
- Do you mind helping with clean up?
jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011
Good news!!!
martes, 9 de agosto de 2011
Una llamada / A phone call
viernes, 29 de julio de 2011
miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011
Mi primera experiencia / My first experience (Parte 2)
domingo, 24 de julio de 2011
Mi primera experiencia/ My first experience (Parte 1)
Mi decisión fue sencilla y segura. Una vez terminado el bachillerato y superada la selectividad, mi cuerpo y mente me pedían un descanso, me veía sin fuerzas y sin ganas de comenzar un estudio superior, ya fuese universidad o grado superior.
Una amiga de mi madre me comentó que ella tenía una amiga en Irlanda que buscaba una Aupair, y sin pensarmelo dije que SI, ya era hora de salir, de experimentar, de aprender y tomar decisiones por mi misma, y sobre todo de crecer como persona.
Esa vez no hubo ni agencias ni embajadas ni na de por medio, solo una amistad y confianza.
4 years ago I was during aprox. a year in Ireland as Aupair.